Are you looking for
UK-wide deliveries?

If so, you're in the right place.

For a fast within the hour quote, please use the quotation button below, fill in as much detail as possible and within working hours, we'll get back to you with a competitive quote and advice. Or, if you'd sooner talk to one of our transport professionals, give us a call and we'll have a friendly chat to fulfill al your transport needs.

About us

Privately operated logistics company

Red Dog Transport is a Nottingham based privately operated logistics company that can be trusted to provide a quality service for any transport needs that you or your company may require.

Thankyou for visiting Red Dog Transport, you’re in the right place for our committed, experienced team to help in your quest to find your transport solution at the most competitive price.

From low loaders to courier vans, we’ve done multiple jobs for military installations, COP 26, motorway and tunnelling installations, Premier League football clubs and leading soft drinks and alcohol manufacturers.

We pride ourselves on providing a complete, transparent, sustainable and quality service to our customers; to continually work hard to build and develop long term working relationships.

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For a chat about what we do and any business opportunities that we can offer, give us a call: 0115 9222300.


Satisfied People’s Say About Our Service

Haulage Types

We have the ability to offer as little as  single pallet deliveries 

We have the facilites to delivery Van loads of up to 3.4 tonnes

Our fleet includes flatbed vehicles that can deliver loads up to 7.5 tonnes

we also have ridgid tautlines that can deliver loads up 17 tonnes

Our Artic flatbeds and tautliners can deliver loads up to 44 tonnes

Our fleet also has Hiab vehicles to help delivery heavy loads